tips & tricks


– Always use the latest version of Joomla! and the plugin.

– You can find eveything you need in the tooltips so read them carefully.

– Create a menu to the author profiles section. doesn’t have to appear on your site, just to assign itemID.

– You can use {ga=username} everywhere on your site, even other components and modules. The plug-in will convert it to the link.

– Try re-ordering the plug-in if some of the username remain as the syntax.

– Since 0.8.2, the syntax changed. It’s better that you update the old syntax by just re-save each article. gAuthor will automatically convert the old syntax to the new one with braces.

– Unfortunately we have to use URL safe usernames because of Joomla’s filter on title alias of profile articles.

So the usernames must only contain a-Z and/or A-Z and/or 0-9 and/or – (dash).

In the time of search for author’s articles, the plug-in escapes the username to avoid the error but you have to change the usernames to work with this plug-in.